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In the media

Check out the main news about Pedro Markun and LEX!

Commercial Date

Published on 07/30/2024

Report where Pedro Markun tells how he uses AI in his candidacy for councilor in SP. Lex, the AI, formulates public policies based on data and transparency.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 10.44.28.jpeg

Commercial Date

Published on 07/30/2024

Report where Pedro Markun tells how he uses AI in his candidacy for councilor in SP. Lex, the AI, formulates public policies based on data and transparency.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 10.44.28.jpeg

Commercial Date

Published on 07/30/2024

Report where Pedro Markun tells how he uses AI in his candidacy for councilor in SP. Lex, the AI, formulates public policies based on data and transparency.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 10.44.28.jpeg

Commercial Date

Published on 07/30/2024

Report where Pedro Markun tells how he uses AI in his candidacy for councilor in SP. Lex, the AI, formulates public policies based on data and transparency.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 10.44.28.jpeg

Commercial Date

Published on 07/30/2024

Report where Pedro Markun tells how he uses AI in his candidacy for councilor in SP. Lex, the AI, formulates public policies based on data and transparency.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-30 at 10.44.28.jpeg

The globe

Published in 2024

Article by Pedro Markun on how Artificial Intelligence can improve the efficiency of public services.

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The New York Times

Published in 2018

Interview by Pedro Markun about political innovation carried out in 2018. Article in English.

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Published in 2015

Pedro Markun talks about the creation of the programming laboratory at the service of transparency and citizenship in the National Congress.

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Check out more news about politics, artificial intelligence and council elections!

Published on 06/10/2024

Trend Watching - English

Published on 06/02/2024

La Nacion - Argentina

Published on 04/07/2024

Good Night Internet

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